Monday, July 12, 2010

"When 'THAT' Phone Call Comes"

Subtitled: "Hey (your name), Do you have a couple of minutes?"

Perhaps if you are a Child of God, in the past, and more than likely in the near future, you will receive a phone call that goes something like this:

"Hey (your name)! Have you got a few minutes? I was just thinking about you the other day. I know how successful you have been in the past, and still are in (your business) and I've just gotten involved in this tremendous company / opportunity / business that is looking to expand in our area and I would like your "opinion" on it and run some ideas by you. It may or may not be for you, but I would like to take a few minutes of your time to show it to you. Since it's hard to draw a conclusion without getting all the information up-front, would Wednesday or Thursday be better for you?"

Ever heard something similar to this? You probably have. If not, chances are you will. And when you do you just became the "latest target" of someone who is zealous for their latest Network Marketing / Multi-level Marketing Company (MLM) that they have become involved in.

Now, what does it mean when you pick up that phone and hear those words above? Well, almost like a cult they dangle the bait out in front of you so they can then 'put you through their system the correct way'. Now, I am NOT saying the MLM IS a cult. But they will "hide" from you the complete picture (in order that you can 'get the true message – at least the message they want you to hear until you are 'hooked'). Later on, you find out, as Paul Harvey says, "The rest of the story".

So, the real question is, what do they REALLY MEAN when you hear those words and what can you EXPECT if you 'take the plunge' into MLM? To answer that question, let me expand the opening conversation you SHOULD receive if every person that approaches that is involved in MLM was actually "up front with you" as they should be. Or simply as The Scripture says, "providing things HONEST in the sight of ALL men".

You ready? Here goes: "Hey (your name!) Have you got a few minutes (though in reality when you see what I've seen this will envelop and control your life for years to come changing the way you think, the hours you spend, and where you will put your priorities. Now I' know you have been successful, because that's why I'm calling you in the hopes that you will also be successful in my company and personal downline. What I'm about to share with you may or may not be for you, but if you're as intelligent as I am and see what I saw, there is no question that you will get involved…

…Since I've signed on the bottom line and spent this money to get involved in this Network Marketing / Multi-level Marketing Company, which I believe is THE BEST MLM COMPANY in all the world (because I believe it has THE BEST marketing plan & system [Oh, and I've been involved in a bunch of others before now AND I've checked all the other ones that are out there and currently I REALLY DO BELIEVE (now, though in the past I believed it was actually another company, but that was then) that this ACTUALLY IS THE BEST ONE with the best PRODUCT(S) / SYSTEM, PAY PLAN etc. over any other, (and I need you to spend the same amount of money I did also)…

…And I REALLY DO BELIEVE you can save money AND make a LOT OF MONEY – why? Because if you can find a couple of "go-getters" just like you, as I'm hoping to do with you] so we can get people "hooked" on using OVER-PRICED products (so we can pay commission back several levels down and we will do so by convincing them to be faithful to the business and use only our products and services to send out the right message by replacing everything in your house with our stuff and convince them we are being Good Stewards of God's money by overspending and asking others to do the same so we can all share that commission)…

…And in the process of our building this business TOGETHER I can (as also you can), will be able to MISUSE our influence, testimony, walk with God, and ministry (even though in doing so we may actually be 'taking the name of our Lord in vain – thus misrepresenting God and His emphasis) – and may even perhaps be prostituting to you the idea that you would be HELPING OUR (or someone else's) MINISTRY to 'free us up' to do more for God by your getting involved and using the product(s) / services we provide…

…Also causing you to spend more money than you will make by also attending weekend functions four or five times a year (that cost a couple between $800 and $1,000 dollars to attend – not including finding someone to watch the kids while we're away from them - which you HAVE TO ATTEND IF YOU'RE SERIOUS ABOUT THE BUSINESS because all the movers and shakers and winners go to these, but not the losers, in order to obtain that multi-million dollar training from other multi-million dollar winners, by INVESTING in your life and future – (and the speakers do get an honorarium when they speak, plus it helps their business, also), oh and when you leave the functions you will find that it will be THE MOST motivational, impacting, life-changing time of your life, almost a religious worship-type experience that you'll ever attend!...

…Even though after two years of being in the business there are proven statistics that 98% of everyone involved in MLM, if you were to look at their W-2 forms, will actually LOSE MONEY in, and building the "business", but that's okay, because look at all the tax deductions you get for the potential of, but actually in the long haul, not making money…

…Anyway I was thinking about you (because I'm going through my list as fast as I can go [because that's what my upline taught me to do, to not prejudge anyone, but to use my circle of influence, especially in and with my ministry, position, etc. and of course, GOD, (because He is SO behind our company, pay plan, and business) in order to get as many people involved as I can, (but it's not only who I know, but who you know, and who they know, ad infinity)…

…And oh, what they will tell me and you later is that even though we are brothers and sisters in Christ, and enjoy fellowshipping together now, we will be taught that we will have to get new friends and 'relatives' – mainly because since we become like those we hang around, I can no longer afford to waste my time with you if you don't get involved, because after all, if you don't see what I see, well, then need I say more, because I won't be able to fellowship any more with negative stinking thinking people no matter who they are (and it's not that I won't love you anymore, I just won't have the time to show you) AND what I have yet to realize is that most of my friends and relatives won't want to spend time with me or be around me later either because I will have been brainwashed into seeing them as stinkin' thinkin' negative people and thinkers – who will also get tired of the only thing I want to talk about, the majority of the time is the business and trying to get them involved…

…And since "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" I'll outwardly 'talk about the Lord', but THE BUSINESS will be what continually comes out of my mouth and heart. So the days of when we used to get together and truly fellowship in our Lord, if you don't get involved, we won't actually do that anymore, and I'll actually use Scriptures out of context to convince myself that what we are doing is Biblical (even though it won't be)…

…Oh, in and in regards to the functions- you'll just have to go, because (even though LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE MLM Company in the US propagates the SAME THING, even though their company is bad and inferior while only ours is the best) these rallies are so mind blowing, fantastic emphasizing Patriotism, The American Dream (which is actually what we have to do by finding out what you really want - when I talk to you about this, or we sit down, or you attend a 'business opportunity', or watch my DVD and talk to my "friends on the phone calls to substantiate what I can't yet"…

…Because in SELLING THE DREAM we have to make you disillusioned and dissatisfied with what God is doing in your life NOW and where HE has you to mold you and make you, what we have to do is make you COVET more money, bigger homes, the beaches of the world, and how GOD can use this to make you prosperous [even though I will find that if I can't budget and honor God with what we are making NOW, more money will only help us to perpetuate our lack of control of finances but just at a higher level and reveal the true thoughts and intents of our heart] - (and we'll even tag on in our presentation about being able to 'give more to missions and the Lord' (or charities), though most NEVER DO)…

...And understand that even though Christ says "In this world you will have trials / tribulation", we will refuse to believe that so what we will do is technically 'LIE' by presenting and posturing ourselves as where we WANT to be even though we AREN'T, and of course we'll pull out those 'name-it-and-claim-it, prosperity verses' ignoring those verses like Hebrews 11, Paul's suffering in 2 Corinthians, etc.) because, wow, just think what the early NT Christians and Paul could have done for our Lord and how they could have accomplished so much more if they or he had just had an opportunity like this, that's why in these "last days" God is pouring out His Holy Spirit and blessings in and through and on OUR COMPANY (and when you become 'enlightened' you will understand this also)…

…And NOW is THE RIGHT TIME for you to get involved, in fact there is no better time in history than RIGHT NOW, (and if you don't then you'll be left behind and one day look back and remember this day and it will haunt you for the rest of your life) – that's why you will have to begin right away LISTENING to the CDs / DVDs and READING BOOKS thus changing the way you THINK and SPEAK (you know, 'fake it til you make it', speaking into existence the cars, homes, motor homes, etc. you want – some call this a New Age mindset, but they are just unenlightened), and yes, our upline DOES make a lot of money on these 'tools', but hey, you ARE investing in your future, aren't you…

Oh, and we will also convince you of the importance of neglecting your children's ballgames, plays, and school events, along with spending time with your family NOW – we will be able to convince you that it is 'WORTH IT' – of how you must listen to the instruction of your upline over the voices and heart of your FAMILY, the very ones God places in your care - because you will be investing in their future – and they 'just don't understand' (of course, we'll never tell you about the homes that do break up, the affairs that do happen – because of men and women working together, bonding without their spouses, the financial hardships that do occur with those who just aren't serious and as committed, the love for money overshadowing their love for the Lord. (and in your mind confuse and combine the two)…

… You see to really make it in this business you will have to eat, drink, sleep, and breathe this business NOW for only the next 2 to 5 years and THEN you will have THE RESIDUAL INCOME (e.g. "easy street" because you can 'pay now and play later, or play now and pay later, but either way you're gonna pay") [though we won't tell you that more people will actually LEAVE the business than stay in (until you get to a higher pin level of course, and then you will be instructed in all this), and you never will have TRUE residual income (you can maybe take longer vacations and/or a month or two off, but YOU'D BETTER NOT walk away from this business and quit building it because it will literally fall apart…

…Oh, and if you make it to one of the top levels, you can then propagate all sorts of personal stuff off on your downline and 'make a killing' [CD's of your spouse singing, other "ideas" or "gadgets", books you've written, motivational CDs/DVDs you will produce, etc. the sky's the limit!} – and if you don't think it will fall apart, there is always the danger of YOUR GROUP leaving you for a 'better' MLM plan, company, idea "down the road" (as misguided as they will be, of course) and you will be financially devastated, so you'll always just have to KEEP THEM WORKING, and MOTIVATED and YOU CONSTANTLY WORKING but that's okay, because it's better than that old 'J.O.B; (right?!)…

…So even though you will sacrifice time away from your family and friends for that "one day" DREAM VACATION and "one day" FREEDOM to have that TIME TOGETHER with your family, that you could be INVESTING IN NOW, but don't think you can, so you'll take what little time you do have and make excuses for it now, breaking your kids' hearts, disappointing them regularly for that next event, justifying all this in your mind, causing disappointment with your children, but MAYBE one day they'll understand (?) that because you can give them more THINGS, THEN when you didn't take the time to spend with them NOW WHEN THEY NEEDED IT and the importance of GIVING OF YOURSELF that somehow, one day, those 'THINGS' will all make up for it (yes, the Scripture says, "we brought nothing into this world and we can take nothing out", but remember, "God gives us ALL ***THINGS*** "RICHLY" to enjoy, so we need to get BIGGER and BETTER and MORE THINGS then, don't we, but don't worry, maybe the family will be able to sort it all out, maybe they will perhaps grab "that what you are SAYING is more important than what you LIVED before them"…

…And be sure that we will show you how the Top Producers seem to have achieved what we long for and they will tell you that EVERYONE can do it too, even though THE NUMBERS NEVER PLAY OUT, perhaps you can be ONE OF THE FEW who can speak on stages, walking the beaches of the world, impacting a downline – in essence giving them a FALSE HOPE - so even though there is NO WAY you can comprehend all of this right now, and even though, in a way, you'll be pimping and prostituting your fellow Christians (making them almost like 'Christina Hookers' – using them for selfish gain – though you will mentally convince yourself that it is actually for their own good one way or the other – and if not, then they just didn't 'buy into the dream' and weren't serious enough about 'working the business' and 'being a part of your team') and even your non-Christians "friends" (at least for just a little time longer), and in reality you'll be misrepresenting God to those who do and don't know Christ, and even though you won't be able to LOOK at anyone ever the same again, especially at Church because people will become "prospects" the Holy Spirit can 'lead you to' instead of Brothers and Sisters in Christ to love simply… "WITHOUT A HOOK"…

…And even though people will SHUN YOU because they won't feel like they can approach you anymore without your trying to prostitute / proselyte them into your new company / business / system – so you've lost the freedom to simply share with them God's heart (without sitting there figuring out how 'down the road' you can now USE THIS as a tool / stepping stone into having them join your team and thus building your business and making you wealthy)…

…My question for you now, and what I am REALLY EXCITED to share with you and ask you is 'Would Tuesday night at 6 p.m., or Thursday at 7 p.m. be better for you?"

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Journal Entry: Jerusalem 108 AD – "Hungry Children"

Dear Journal: It is hard to believe that 40 years have passed since Paul has left us. Over forty years since that encounter he had with our Lord on the road to Damascus, followed by years of fruitful ministry and many hardships. Paul is now with the Lord in Heaven and we carry on in his place. Our lives were touched by his compassion and heartbeat. That is what drives us.

I remember Timothy telling us many of the stories about Paul, the lives he touched and the ministries he started. One of which I am carrying on still today. There are so many homeless and hungry children with no one it seems who cares. Well, actually they do. But until Paul began collecting monies from followers of The Way and strategically placing those funds where needed, many of those needs went unmet. At first, it was a few locations 'here and there', but as we've become more organized, it now seems that so many more lives are collectively impacted, on a long-term basis.

Paul passed the baton onto Timothy, and now, he to me. But here lately, I find my travels are becoming harder. This old body doesn't recover like it use to. I foresee soon how the day will come when I may be unable to perform all that is required to keep this ministry going, the long miles, the endless hours, time away from home takes its toll on a man. These sacrifices though are now well worth it for The Master. But it has played more on my mind with my wondering, "Lord, what will I do? How will my needs be met?"

This has plagued me for some time. And then one day, it was as if the Lord Himself opened my mind with a vision, or was it a revelation? I wonder, but the clarity of it became real to me of how not only to impact so many more lives, but also how to provide for myself as I grow weaker and older.

First, what has transpired since that morning in my tent is that I have obtained the help of other Believers who are also in the service for our Lord. They too are now sharing this burden to feed the homeless and hungry children around our world. Many of these Followers have become 'well known' in our Messiah's movement and have much influence. They have partnered with me, almost like a network, in spreading this much needed message to every town and village. Because of their efforts, many, many more are now helping to support, these, God's little children. What was it our Lord said, "What you do to the least of these, you do also to me", yes, that's it.

Second, these 'servants of God' in helping me further this ministry, while still performing their own calling, they too have expenses. At times they go without. I have found, by taking a 'portion' of the regular amount collected that has been 'promised to the children', and giving to 'help support and provide to offset their needs, results in the very ones who are spreading this word', motivating them and increasing the zeal of their message. This has resulted in more and more monies coming in. Thus the more they share, the more people give. The more people give, the greater their stipend. For some, the amount they receive is becoming a very substantial amount.

Yes, it is true we don't share with those who are giving to the children, that part of their grace giving goes to the actual person who is collecting those funds, but as His Word says, "They who preach the Gospel, should live of the Gospel", and in reality, NOT telling the contributors causes less 'trouble' than trying to explain that to them "up-front".

Third, of course there are expenses for myself and those who serve alongside me also. Though most of the time a significant portion of what is given is still going to the children, it seems that it is taking more and more to creatively 'spread the word' into new areas, establish new overseers to distribute the food and funds, provide incomes for them, etc. At times I wonder if this is what Paul had in mind when he began all of this?

Finally, I am excited to see how this is what The Lord will use to help me retire, or rather I should say, meet all my family's needs as I enter my twilight years; or if some injury or illness prevents me from further travel. In fact, I hate to say, with the amount of monies coming in, even with supporting thousands of hungry and homeless children around the world as an international ministry, our finances will no longer be a problem. Praise Yahweh!

Recently we had the pleasure of meeting a successful businessman by the name of Demas. He shared with us that if we would use some of the proceeds to bring Elders from various cities to see our work, as well as 'honoring' the larger collectors of funds by bringing these two groups to 'the field' to visit the children and see first-hand how they have, or can, 'make a difference', that this would more than quadruple revenues coming in so we would be able to support more children. One of his slogans is, "The ends justify the means". I am not sure if this is part of Adonai's recorded words or not, but it sure makes sense, and it works.

Journal, something unusual happened the other day as I was traveling through Sinai. I met a caravan and presented them with the need we share and asked them if they would like to give. They asked me some pointed questions regarding the actual distribution of our funds. There was something in the man's eyes with whom I spoke that made me want to be honest with him, so I told him what we were doing. He thanked me, but then declined the offer! He said something about another follower of The Way, I think they said he goes by the name "Christian", he's from somewhere over around Antioch, and this man is also feeding the hungry and homeless children. He keeps no denari for himself, nor does he give any of the proceeds to others. He shared that every single coin he collects, all of it goes to the children. Any personal or ministry expense that is accrued is provided for in a different and separate way. Imagine that!

Still, there are fleeting moments I question if what we are doing is truly ethical and completely honest with God's people, and before our Lord. After all, what if those that were distributing the funds and food to the children did it simply because they loved the Lord? What if others in God's family would present this without remuneration because that is simply what our Lord would have done? What if we trusted God to provide in some other way rather than 'robbing', maybe I should say 'taking', a portion out of the mouths of these children? What if every denari that someone gave really, completely went to the children? I wonder how many more lives could we really impact and touch?

But then… When I look at all we have accomplished, when I see how "prosperous & successful" everything is, I conclude, surely this is a sign of God's blessings, isn't it? Oh well, it is working, and there are a lot more children out there who need to be fed, and there a whole lot more people who can give.

Until the next time, Journal, Shalom.